QR Wise Quote #7


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Vlad Gerasimov 10 May 2011
Welcome to  my new series of Wise Quote wallpapers. It  is always good to have a wise quote around, which you can read from time to time and get inspired. But, plain text would be too boring, right? :-) So, here is the idea. The quote shown here is  QR code - special image which can be translated into text by most mobile phones with a camera. Much more fun! You will need QR code reader app in your phone (iPhone, Android). In case you cannot or  do not want to scan the code, it says: You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth. - Evan Esar.
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Stefano 11 May 2011
Nice quote choice, and somewhat bold idea :-) The QR code gives a kind of sense of mistery :-) But, why publish them all at once? Cheers!
Carl Willetts 11 May 2011
I like these Vlad but any chance of them without the QR code please?
Carl Willetts 11 May 2011
Actually forget that last message. I've realised I can just download the 'right' wallpaper from the dual monitor wallpapers and that removes the QR code.
Jorge 22 May 2011
Great idea, excellent quotes. You are doing something about the width and depth of your life my friend!
niloofar 27 June 2011
خیلی باحالهایول
subrosa 4 August 2011
Isn't it funny how with every one of these ideas someone misses the point and asks for a generic version instead? Seems clueless to say you like the concept when you apparently don't understand it, since you are ever-so-politely requesting that its distinguishing characteristic be removed. “It's such a great idea to embed QR codes with words of wisdom, but could you please remove the QR codes?” Or, “I love the small town map of the world, but wouldn't it be better without small towns at all?” LOL. Say what? Huh?
tyson swannell 3 March 2012
tutorial please?
davood 17 April 2012
very very nice