
“...some truly amazing digital art wallpapers”

― cnet.com

Vladstudio is the project of digital artist Vlad Gerasimov.
Since 1998, I've created 500+ digital art pieces, available as:

Cornélia Castro 30 March 2020
What a beautiful image for helping an important message!
Sotirios Soulantikas 20 June 2012
Excellent piece of digital art, typical of Vlad. Has been on my desktop for quite a long time!!
Ruby Pipes long ago
I really like this one. And yeah, I've been registered for life for some time now and never, ever second-guessed it.
David 9 December 2009
Beautiful, this may very well get me to buy a subscription!

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Here are some of Vlad.studio's most popular pictures:
Bird Bird Bird Bird (Winter edition)
The Power of Imagination (Christmas Edition)
The Night Drive
Dear Moon, Merry Christmas
Sleeping Whales
The Starry Night (Tribute to Van Gogh)
puddinhead13 9 May 2010
I've actually been to one of the small towns in the Northwest, Ketchum that is. Although small, the local area is home to many celebs such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Carole King, and more. Thanks for including a piece of the state of Idaho, USA.
A Cheshire Kitten
Air Lines 2
The Tree of Books
Google Library