
“...some truly amazing digital art wallpapers”

― cnet.com

Vladstudio is the project of digital artist Vlad Gerasimov.
Since 1998, I've created 500+ digital art pieces, available as:

Tiffany B 29 November 2009
i love your wallpapers! they change the way i view things and think about things! This one is especially interesting, though i think it would be better if it was in a different style-- maybe the edges smoother like the way the hearts are in the bottom...
Eco-Chick 18 September 2009
Go green, live, love, laugh. Have a nice life! I love this website! I just found it today, and I love it! I am going to get all of my wallpapers off of Vladstudios! Peace, love, happiness! :) Vladstudios are amazing!!!
Love all your work, Vlad! Super, super cool, unlike anything else on the net. I change my wallpaper every day according to my mood! :)
Paolo Pisanu 10 April 2012
I'm an Ubuntu user since the first release in 2004 and I'm so happy to see this!!! Vlad you are great!!! Something is changing on the Desktops all over the World and your Works are beatiful.

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Here are some of Vlad.studio's most popular pictures:
Bird Bird Bird Bird (Winter edition)
The Power of Imagination (Christmas Edition)
The Night Drive
Dear Moon, Merry Christmas
Sleeping Whales
The Starry Night (Tribute to Van Gogh)
Sriram Kini 28 May 2020
I discovered this from a guy on kde store. Glad that I found this. I am a student so cant buy premium now , will surely buy it in future . thanks for free wallpapers.
A Cheshire Kitten
Air Lines 2
The Tree of Books
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