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Vlad Gerasimov
12 June 2008
Recently I accessed the top-secret NASA document that described several types of aliens that they discovered, with their portraits, ships and planets. I quickly re-created it in Photoshop, so it is not secret any more! (NASA I am not afraid of your lawyers :-)
12 June 2008
great! i love wallpapers with alien theme.. but i´ve got one question: should i understand the list of aliens like that "blue-bulb-alien" lives on earth or on a planet that remarkably evokes earth?! :-))
Scott Hurst
12 June 2008
Love it! Great work!
12 June 2008
Great wallpaper and cute story! :)
Christina (Australia)
12 June 2008
They are great! Such vibrant strong colours.. wonder if they are really out there...oooh, creepy....!
12 June 2008
Fantastic stuff Vlad!
Vlad Gerasimov
12 June 2008
Peťulka - yeah, that planet is not Earth, but similar!
Kareem Khazem
12 June 2008
Heehee I love the way that the spaceships look just like the aliens, especially the one on the bottom-right!
Engelbert Schinkel
12 June 2008
so great ... thank you :))
Mariya K-W
12 June 2008
Vlad, you are getting better and better at this!!!
Your work is sometimes stunningly beautiful, sometimes sweet and cute, sometimes strange - and always amazing!
Mariya K-W
12 June 2008
I love the Carrot-Head :D :D :D
Vlad Gerasimov
12 June 2008
Mariya K-W: thank you very much :-)
Juliet (Where's Romeo?)
12 June 2008
I think I love you, Vlad :D
12 June 2008
I love this one Vlad! So creative the different sorts of aliens and the way their ships are similar. Very cute. :)
12 June 2008
Soooooooooo Cute!!
It's me again...Sylvia
12 June 2008
You light up my desktop!!
12 June 2008
awesome. love alien theme
13 June 2008
It's really interesting.. goooood..^^
13 June 2008
Me gusta!!! Es muy lindo... :)
Tade Sargsian
13 June 2008
влад, сделай плиз для мобильного телефона(по крайней мере для афона), все варианты элиенов, а не только с куполом на голове :)
заранее спасибо
Leonel Macias
13 June 2008
AHAHAHA ;) that's just awesome
13 June 2008
I love this desktop! The story is funny too.
13 June 2008
I simple love it!!:D;):P:O:)
Serkan Gürkan
13 June 2008
Wonderfull I like this.. :)
Willem Delrue
13 June 2008
Simply fantastic!
13 June 2008
I love your work!!!
13 June 2008
Aliens from different planets, cute and adorable creatures. thanks lc
14 June 2008
Very Excellent...
But it will be nice to have for portable, exactly for my iPhone ;-p, all 6 races of aliens (1 picture / race)...
Nuheen Khan
15 June 2008
I didn't think this would look good on my desktop but it actually looks great! Thanks Vlad!
15 June 2008
Awesome work ... taking wallpapers where no wallpaper has gone before
15 June 2008
LOL Vlad this is genious!!! thank you so much!
15 June 2008
Great like always!!!
Are they really out there...?
Grtz from Ostend,belgium.
16 June 2008
Vlad, these are great!!! would be adorable in a child's room with a "spaceman motif"
Jeffrey Gibbons
16 June 2008
This one even beats the solar system one... awesome!
16 June 2008
Jaideep Nadkarni
16 June 2008
Cute, very cute!
16 June 2008
Hi! I'm a really huge fan of The X Files and the alien stuff!!
Thank you so much for this one!!!
16 June 2008
The second lightbulb-shape alien lives on the sun? It means that not the sun but thousands of these lightbulb-shape aliens lighten the earth? :-) You've made a sensational discovery, Vlad! :-)
17 June 2008
Like always, your wallpapers are awesome! And I love that little alien, he's so cute!
24 June 2008
LOL Love it! LOL
25 June 2008
Awesome ! Love it !
6 July 2008
aurel cta actualmente spania
13 July 2008
cred ca glumesti ,cu plata ....sunt multe siteuri care au expuse gratis wallpapers ,si oricum esti fantastic la pret crezi ca esti cam scump?intru tata in paint si ti fac un wallpaper in 5 min ....imi pare rau ca internetul a devenit un instrument ptr a scoate cati mai multi bani ....ce zici matale de drepturi de autor ?DACA TOT IEI BANI,PLATESTE TATA PE ALA CARE A INVENTAT PROCESORUL,ELECTRICITATEA,INTERNETUL,PE DZEU CA TI A DAT VEDERE SI POSIBILITATEA SA DISTINGI CULORILE ....SA MAI CONTINUUI ?RUSINE ...
18 July 2008
Excellent wallpaper Vlad, though I do feel sorry for the two aliens which aren't Wi-Fi enabled ;-)
Issam El Armi
18 July 2008
Nice job ^^
keep it up :)
Duy Nguyen
30 July 2008
I really like it :)
22 August 2008
Brent Bordelon
27 August 2008
Aliens are my favorite. Thanks for this one!
23 September 2008
perfect...!!thank you Vlad!
perfect clock user
14 October 2009
awesome and excellent, cool or fantastic. I am stuck with whichever to choose :)
10 October 2011
10 October 2011