Coffee Station

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Vlad Gerasimov 19 November 2018
For many people, including myself, coffee is like fuel for cars. We need it  to keep our engines running! I'm experimenting with new visual style, flat and geometric. Let me know what you think!
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Péter Bosze 19 November 2018
This has cheered up my Monday Morning. Thanks Vlad, coffee is always the solution :)
Tatiana Dyačovská 19 November 2018
I love coffee so much
Sheila 19 November 2018
I love it! Besides fuel, it adds a big smile to the tank- that smile will get you through the day. Thanks Vlad
Roberta Hudgins 19 November 2018
we are celebrating coffee!
Kelcey 19 November 2018
I love it Vlad, but then I love everything you create:)
Mr.Dragon 21 November 2018
Although coffee is a pick-me-up, you better donot drink more than one cup a day!Personally, If I drink three or more cups of coffee a day,I would cannot sleep well at night.
Donát 21 November 2018
Ez is szuper....!
clddck 28 November 2018
keep up the good work!
Paolo 28 November 2018
W il cappuccino! La mia colazione preferita...
Stephen Andrews 28 November 2018
I love this style, and this subject. Good work.
suxiaocan 7 December 2018
i'm suxiaocan i'm from China,so happy to meet you.
Ivche 9 December 2018
love the style, love the colors, loveee coffee :)
Nimbo 14 January 2019
Thank you Vlad. Keep up, we love your artwork. :)
Tim Parsons 19 January 2019
Almost a 1950s or 60s retro vibe, I like it. And I don't know many people who wouldn't be in that queue :)
Anne 22 January 2019
I, too, enjoy the retro vibe. More like this would be fabulous.
Sofia 15 February 2019
Love it! It's so cool and funny! I have it as wallpaper at work and it makes my day :)
rapulsel 31 March 2019
es fantástico
b7spben0 28 June 2019
i love it .
littlebright 28 July 2019
This color makes me feel good!
PM 10 August 2019
i love it
ChrisJ 1 September 2019
小土豆 13 November 2019
Pam 21 January 2020
Love it and (coffee) Thanks so Much !!
Johanna 28 January 2020
soooo cool! Thank you!
大米 31 January 2020
kawayi 28 May 2020
John 8 July 2020
i love your work, it is beatifull
lily 27 August 2020
love it
orange 9 December 2020
cute,i like it !
Swaraj 10 February 2021
Qing 15 May 2021
Ilove it
Maureen L Wilson 29 December 2021
Says it all. Love it
birol yilmaz 13 April 2022
brilliant idea, and a piece of art as usual, Vlad.
KMDB 8 July
Hi Vlad. I can’t believe I’ve been following your work since 2010. Your artwork has brought me so much joy. I hope you are well.