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Vlad Gerasimov
11 June 2009
Red and Yellow make Orange!
11 June 2009
I love these, but what are these creatures? Are they like Pantone swatches or colour books?
11 June 2009
Also love the new site :)
Vlad Gerasimov
11 June 2009
Kaz: exactly! These are "color testers", or "guide books".
12 June 2009
hi vlad
good work, but need a little correction in the name:
in italian the colour orange is "arancione" not "arancia".. "arancia" is the fruit and "arancione" is the color.. unfortunately in english there is only one world: orange
13 June 2009
simple but creative
19 June 2009
Jaideep Nadkarni
20 June 2009
Lol, very sweet and neat!
yun\'s friend
29 July 2009
its terrific!!wow!! could you put some new picture about LOVE????
28 September 2009
مافهمت ولا شي قهررررر بس شكلهم حلوين شوكراا
17 December 2009
wow its son weird and cool
22 August 2010
these are fantastic.
10 January 2013
Hi Vlad
Love your wallpapers and other stuff - and love this clock. Good for teaching visual literacy, symbolism and design. But as I am a bit of a Luddite with computers can you please tell me how I get this clock to stay. I have to reload it each time after I shutdown the computer. (have installed Dexclock).