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Vlad Gerasimov 10 August 2010
The visual idea of this wallpaper came to  me during night's sleep. Never happened to  me before :-) So  in the morning I opened Photoshop and created it. Hope you like it!
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philippe gabillot 10 August 2010
Beautiful as usual. Thank you for our eyes. And especially for our computers !!!!!
Sotosoul 10 August 2010
Excellent image! Subscription worth every eur-cent!!!
mhtrinh 10 August 2010
Nice wallpaper. As always : simple and beautiful !
Anna Wallace 10 August 2010
Delicate and Dreamy! Thank you Vlad!
Anne OBrien 10 August 2010
My favorite shades of blue! Thank you for this lovely wallpaper.
Kelcey 10 August 2010
I love it, but then I always do:)
Marto 10 August 2010
It's nice and cute, but doesn't seem to me like a 'flock' :D But I admit… good work as always :)
Raya Bergin 10 August 2010
Really love this Vlad. Good you dreamt this. You know what they say, "Follow your dreams."
Jo 10 August 2010
Small flock then :) But I like it.
cc 10 August 2010
sharky birds:D awesome:)
audine 10 August 2010
beautiful & peaceful, thankyou
Татьяна 11 August 2010
Ну, наконец-то светлая жизнерадостная картинка! ЗдОрово!!! Спасибо!
Michele 12 August 2010
This is lovely! Thank you!
CoolAsIceMan 12 August 2010
Love it. Loove it. Looove it. Loooove it. Looooove it.
Aleksey 12 August 2010
Уважаемый Влад, надеюсь тебе когда-нибудь приснится Поросёнок Пётр на тракторе, и ты сделаешь обои на тему. Я буду ужасно рад. Спасибо. http://img.youtube.com/vi/rEpthNq4Lts/0.jpg
13 August 2010
واللة شي حلو اتمنى من الزوار يحملو وياية
KAMZA MIMATE BASH 13 August 2010
Krishna 16 August 2010
This is absolutely wonderful! They almost look like flying airplanes. And I love the colors! :)
Jynrya 16 August 2010
It's simply beautiful.
nguyen 18 August 2010
mih cai dat dong ho nen ko dc.giup minh voi
Rafael 18 August 2010
Blue is my favorite color. I like this wallpaper :D LOVE it!!!
Jaideep Nadkarni 21 August 2010
Tranquilizing.... (as always!)
Lucas Ayres 21 August 2010
Coolzz that's already my iPhone lock screen
Adriana S. Gonzalez 22 August 2010
I really think you have a "gift". Thanks for share it!
Mehregan 22 August 2010
it's very nice.thank you very much.
Roberto 22 August 2010
Simplicity is beauty, and this image defines that phrase. The birds are very elegant, and though not a real flock, they represent everything one imagines in bird flight...
이하늘 25 August 2010
Thank you for the wallpaper! I always appreciate it. I like this one a lot especially.
Vida Hernaus 26 August 2010
it's wonderful! :)
Arturo 26 August 2010
one of the best wallpapers in the web page congratulations!!!
vO 30 August 2010
sell it to BNP Paribas. = )
Balcooly 30 August 2010
Just Beautiful!
PHIL SANDS 3 September 2010
atefe 4 September 2010
Donna Eichelberger 20 September 2010
Beautiful. Thank you.
david 30 September 2010
Thank you for creating this art. It is very nice and soothing -- the composition, the color and the background texture. The stylized birds in flight remind me of the LXDE logo: http://tinyurl.com/2fnokzr
jeong chen nuk 2 September 2011
i'm from korea hi 안녕하세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
sahar 30 January 2012
خیلی ممنون
blennie 31 July 2012
Thank you. Another great wallpaper. I adore your art.
Mar 13 November 2022
It reminds me of a school of dolphins or manta rays watched from underwater while "flying" in the open sea - maybe because I've done scuba diving formerly and know what it feels like ;). Thanks for sharing your dream :)!