Gagarin (Planet 2)

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Vlad Gerasimov 9 April 2011
This wallpaper is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's historic flight on 12 April 1961. You know that aliens exist, and because people see them sometimes, aliens seem to have experience in space travels. But did you realize that there had to  be an alien who was the first? Their Gagarin :-) Thanks for viewing!
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Dominique MAPPS 9 April 2011
There are some trouble with dual screen wallpaper.
Vlad Gerasimov 9 April 2011
Dominique MAPPS: Wooahh! Indeed there are! I'll fix as soon as possible.
Dominique MAPPS 9 April 2011
Happy to see this nice wallpaper... Thank's a lot... And big up for Youri's historical "fly" brithday.
Eva de Hilster 10 April 2011
Hi Vlad, I can't seem to find to login field anymore. I'm a bit blind or is there a bug? Kind regards, Eva
Oziel 10 April 2011
And do you know that there are more creatures strangers in the oceans than in the space?
Stefano 10 April 2011
I love the thick, solid looking planetary rings. Reminds me of a geode slice :)
Chaitanya 11 April 2011
Wonderful creation yet again....
Bee 12 April 2011
like this wallpaper.. the aliens are so cute too.. :D
Ampit 15 April 2011
Love it. Thanks
Livanco 15 April 2011
Ну что тут можно сказать, мы первые полетели в космос! ))
17 April 2011
i dont get this backround βγςΗθLα
moníček 27 April 2011
To je fakt hezký mám to na ploše.
Jocelyn H Plante 30 April 2011
Have you think to Android phone user ?
koccs 5 May 2011
Jocelyn H Plante: Choose your resolution from smartphone section. There are lot, I think you can find the needed picthure if you want.
Jack 17 May 2011
Je to hezký
ttttttte 25 May 2011
15 June 2011
aaaaaaaawwwww these are so lovely !!
Volker 22 July 2011
Hi, very beautiful wallpaper but could you make an alternate version without the speech bubble and the text?
24 August 2011
nilesh patidar 31 August 2011
very beautiful clock
Cindy 10 September 2011
~~~I like this funny clock,if I can,I'll use them to my PPT~
york.j.lee 9 October 2011
So beautiful !
17 January 2012
cute 很喜欢
Сергей Соколов 26 February 2012
Very good! I like Your Art's. Now, one of this works, on my table. Serge 26.02.12 3 April 2012
Cool wallpaper. Thank
cro librarian 10 February 2015
without reeding the description I asumed it was story time for the little aliens