Little Elephant, Big Ukulele

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Vlad Gerasimov 11 May 2011
Despite common opinion, I think it  is quite natural for elephants to play ukulele. Especially when the elephant is  so small and the ukulele is  so big.
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Adorable! 11 May 2011
This made me think of Amanda palmer, she's so into ukes lately. Looks like the elephant has a private ninja gig going on.
Evan Morse 11 May 2011
Haha, definitely a new favorite. Great stuff!
Linda 11 May 2011
...but that's a mandolin -- not a uke... :-(
Vlad Gerasimov 12 May 2011
Linda - I know this is ukulele because I have one at home. Please google for Luna Ukulele Pineapple. Thanks.
Ray 12 May 2011
Great wallpaper now :) So charming (sun)
Stefano 12 May 2011
Lovely! I guess his footprints are unique :-)
Antonio 12 May 2011
Che meraviglia i tuoi sfondi con protagonisti gli animale Bellissimo!!
AMPIT 12 May 2011
You did it again. Thanks it's wonderful
luca pasquadibisceglie 12 May 2011
Kelcey 13 May 2011
This is completely gorgeous:)
M.Firas.Kzebra,Syria 13 May 2011
Great you very good Position and go to world. good
13 May 2011
Aw, how cute! I love it! >_<
Tusnelda 14 May 2011
You are right, Vlad, I have a mandolin + it doesn't look like this.
Evan Morse 14 May 2011
Eh, it'd be cute with a mandolin, too! Or an upright bass! Or a soprano sax! Or something. : )
Vida Hernaus 14 May 2011
too sweet :)
ayla 14 May 2011
çok şeker...
Stefan 14 May 2011
Awesome work, thank you.
Mehregan 14 May 2011
Hey vlad! thank you so much.this is very laughable!!!!!!
Julián 14 May 2011
matin 15 May 2011
its great...
tanulda 16 May 2011
Very nice and cute :) In Czech Republic (thats where I live) there is a new baby elephant - in ZOO Ostrava, so your wallpaper is very current :) Thanks!
illdani 17 May 2011
PINEAPPLE!!!!!!!!! 17 May 2011
Make a pineapple wallpaper?...... Please?
Linda 17 May 2011
Whoops, my bad -- it looks a lot like a melon-back mandolin -- but I see it only has 4 tuners -- a mandolin would have eight. I'm just used to ukes looking like little 4-string guitars... [sheepish grin]. It's a lovely desktop, no matter!
ray 30 May 2011
Vlad, please give us another amazingly pretty wallpaper! I check your site for a new one several times a day. I admire your art!
Vlad Gerasimov 30 May 2011
ray: I'll try! I am really overloaded now... Sorry!
Stefano 30 May 2011
Hey Vlad, glad to hear from you again :) Now we know you are doing OK! Cheers!
kajira 1 June 2011
Vlad, I haven't been to your space in a loooong while. Was quite surprised at the evolution of your work. It appears to me that you're much happier than you were when you started. Personally, I liked the darker, more abstract of your works. But I've picked up more than a few new today. And it will again be a strange process to see what wallpaper I use when. Thank you for all these years of great wallpapers. They're WONDERFUL!
William Slaunwhite 1 June 2011
Vlad, your whimsy always makes my day! Thank you :) Bill PS Yes, I'm sure I saw an elephant play a ukulele once!!!
4 June 2011
It's so sweet!!!!!!! <3
Nishant 4 June 2011
Gosh... I now want to take ukulele lessons. Thank you... this has cheered my desktop immensely. Also me.
Lex 7 June 2011
Love this one. Have it going across my dual HD monitors and love having it up. Thanks.
11 June 2011
it funy ever one like.
Biani Aguayo Borrell 14 June 2011
I love all ur wallpapers, have them in different sizes according with mi desktop. Now i've got a new computer with 1366x768 screen but i found that many old walls aren't in this size. is there an easy way i could "convert" or transform those walls into this size? Thanks a lot!
Vlad Gerasimov 14 June 2011
Biani Aguayo Borrell: it depends on what sizes you already have. Please use contact form to send me more details. Thanks.
Adriana Ovalle 19 June 2011
I love it
fahime 20 June 2011
fahime 20 June 2011
Muhammad 25 June 2011
Nice as always. I guess you make your designs on a wide screen, and I guess you are using some sort of automatic cropping for other resolutions. I use 1280X1024 and only the half of your logo appears in almost all of your previous wallpapers except the recent ones (like this one) in which it doesn't appear at all. Maybe you should fix this.
parisa 26 June 2011
vlad? could u make a fish that is between fish n donkey? some fish that has a pair of donkey ears n a tail? that would be great!
SMY 27 June 2011
I wish we could have that in blue or green:)
Laurent Rathle 29 June 2011
I love it
Amar 30 June 2011
Very cute. My daughter is learning to play the guitar ... so I sent her an e-card! :-)
iDA 4 July 2011
eli qnd hadis 9 July 2011
merci bp: c'était vraiment parfait
Maria 13 July 2011
Elefantul este foarte mare!
24 July 2011
Щас сыграю:)))
Ana 18 August 2011
This wallpaper is just perfect and made me smile. Vlad, thanks so much for making me smile everytime I enter this website!
Manimaran 2 September 2011
excellent work. simple and superb
2 September 2011
Mollie 7 September 2011
Vlad, these are beautiful. This kinda brings a tear to my eye. Truly magical :)
phyan 14 September 2011
like it
quacky 29 September 2011
Cool as always, and I think it would look great as an e-reader skin. Thanks! (p.s. I thought it was a flea uke)
oma 3 October 2011
Ena Cruz 1 November 2011
This is so adorable! Thank you!
20 January 2012
its great...
Ginny 19 February 2012
I just love all of these wallpapers!! :)
Frances Atangan 17 March 2012
This is absolutely mesmerizing. I love the sound of ukuleles. This wallpaper is extra-special for me because it reminds me of Beirut's Zach Condon singing "Elephant Gun". Cheers.
prachi 12 April 2012
It is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo adorable! Very innovative too. This this one of my favorite wallpapers. You have really outdone yourself this time! :)
Avs 4 July 2012
That might sound strange, but...the first time I saw this picture, I thought it's a hidden tribute to Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole, the famous hawaiian musician. Too bad he didn't reach the age of an elephant... Love this, it's one of my favorites. Kudos to you and your works. :)
zaruUuU 28 August 2014
shoOo januUu
lip 7 February 2015
nice 1
Carol 14 November 2018
Vlad, your art makes me instantly happy! It's very sweet natured and much appreciated.
Bood 16 January 2020
哇塞 好棒~