The Mushroom Band

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Vlad Gerasimov 9 April 2023
My daughter asked me to draw a band of mushrooms. Here it is! Heavily inspired by a very old picture by Digitalblasphemy.
Add a comment
Sheila 11 April 2023
Absolutely joyous. Thank your daughter for the happy smiles
Donna 11 April 2023
Love this. Makes me smile. Thank your daughter. She was right on.
Xiaozhe 11 April 2023
Like it very much
sandoristi 11 April 2023
Maikel Jongsma 11 April 2023
How amazing is this one! Knowing that I had the one by digitalblasphemy as a wallpaper ages ago. Thanks a million Vlad!
Alisa 11 April 2023
Hi! I'm the daughter, and I came up with the idea. I'm happy))
Pam 13 April 2023
Love the color(s) !!
Roberta Hudgins 14 April 2023
Hi Alisa, great idea, perfect for spring! thank you and keep the ideas coming!
Jose Man 28 August
Fun and nice, thanks !!