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Vlad Gerasimov
20 March 2008
Dedicated to classical music! Done in Photoshop with Wacom tablet. Thanks!
Martin Stružský
20 March 2008
Oh my God, three fascinating wallpapers at once :-) I like Orchestra (Gold) the most, but the others are also very nice ;-)
Brittany Teunis
20 March 2008
I thought I liked the green one more, but actually I love this one :).
20 March 2008
Creativity is your forte, vlad. Keep up the good work.
20 March 2008
I check the website everyday just for the fantastic wallpaper. Just love them!
20 March 2008
I recently discovered your work and I must say you have an unbelievable view on what's art suppose to mean!
20 March 2008
Amazing! Bravo Moestro!
21 March 2008
As "classically" awesome as its green counterpart, another masterpiece!!!
Bravo, Vlad~~!!!
21 March 2008
More air !
Jaideep Nadkarni
22 March 2008
Rhyme, Rhythm, and Rhapsody...
All like an ode of a forgotten old poet.
Manjunath Pola
22 March 2008
I love this website
22 March 2008
Vlad, you did it again!!!
I like this one the most.
Grtz from Ostend,Belgium
22 March 2008
Cada día más sorprendente. Gracias
:: saathiyaana :
14 April 2008
this is the classic n masterpiece..!!
goldy n gorgeous..indeed..!!
29 June 2008
it's original. I love it
Loic Hesling
20 October 2008
I like to display your wallpaper on my 46" display, can we hope for a 1080p format (1920x1080) ?
Vlad Gerasimov
22 October 2008
Loic Hesling: actually, I just published this format!
Loic Hesling
4 November 2008
Thank you so much, no more cropped image !!
Harsh Gandhar
4 June 2009
Another amazing creation! Love it!
7 August 2009
I like it. I want this tree to grow in my garden. Yes. It's beautiful.
2 November 2009
Mümin İmer
29 January 2010
8 September 2013
Hope C.
11 October 2019
Hi, could I use your image to create a banner for my orchestra?
13 April 2022
Hi! Didn't there used to be a green version of this?
14 January
Orchestra Gold has been a favorite of mine for years! I've had it as a decal on my phone since 2016. It never gets old.