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Vlad Gerasimov
10 May 2011
Welcome to my new series of Wise Quote wallpapers. It is always good to have a wise quote around, which you can read from time to time and get inspired. But, plain text would be too boring, right? :-) So, here is the idea. The quote shown here is QR code - special image which can be translated into text by most mobile phones with a camera. Much more fun! You will need QR code reader app in your phone (iPhone, Android).
In case you cannot or do not want to scan the code, it says: Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
10 May 2011
Would love to get a text version as well, anything planned? Honestly the white of the code is kind of spoiling the wallpaper (in my eyes)
Arnaud Desombre
10 May 2011
Would love it too as my phone isn't able to translate QR codes.
Vlad Gerasimov
10 May 2011
Robin: thanks for the tip! I thought QR would not work without white background, but then I tested and it worked, so I removed white and it looks better now. Thanks. Arnaud: I added the quote to wallpaper description. Thanks.
Lukas Zwadlo
10 May 2011
"It´s Perfekt - Nothing left to take away" :-D
i like *klick*
2 June 2011
7 June 2011
Why don't you reply my mail.
Kristyna Kubacova
10 August 2011
I'd like the mosaic with a portrait of an eminent person (quote in LETTERS possible) much better. For one thing I'm quite conservative and for another THIS IS JUST TO GEEK!
22 August 2011
muyy bueno el fondo jajaja me puse ese
11 October 2011
Very nice, and I like the use of the QR code.
I know you can do too much with the use of these codes, so go ahead.
Thank you.