Snow Leopard

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Vlad Gerasimov 27 August 2009
The new version of Mac OS X, Snow Leopard, is coming tomorrow, so  I wanted to celebrate it with new artwork. Hope you like it! In some way, I designed it  in contrary to the OS box design, which is  a bit too aggressive. Well, mine is  a bit too 'sweet' probably :-) UPDATE: Snow Leopard icon! Download icon (Windows, Mac, PNG) Download Adium Dock Icon You can put this icon to folder or app on your computer, or use as avatar. Note - this is for personal use only! Please contact me if you have questions.
Add a comment
mihaid 27 August 2009
ow my. beautiful.
Shuang Wu 27 August 2009
Kendra 27 August 2009
adorable face
Harro 27 August 2009
New Macbook background !!
27 August 2009
Влад! Навеял скорый выход 10.6???
Vlad Gerasimov 27 August 2009
Anonymous: совершенно верно, как я и написал описании обои (правда на англ :-) )
Omer M 27 August 2009
absolutely wonderful, for some reason, this wallpaper makes me really happy! Thanks Vlad!
Cristina Calabrese 27 August 2009
Yayy!!! So lovely!!! :D
27 August 2009
Влад! Подари леопардика в 1680*1050....? В преддверии выхода то....
27 August 2009
Ой! Влад! Обойка и так бесплатная..... СПАСИБО!
Marina 27 August 2009
Adorable cutey
Nicolas Poullot 27 August 2009
Could you please create a version without signature?
Вадим 27 August 2009
Кошатина - Супер!!!
Tusnelda 27 August 2009
You never run out of beautiful ideas, do you, Vlad? Thank you, so cute!
Suit 27 August 2009
Hi! Your snow kiddie is soooo cute :-> Words are not enough for that. Great !!!
Anonymous 27 August 2009
Totally awesome. What about a lion and tiger version?
Ali Salem 27 August 2009
A version without a signature please! :]
Lim Lian Tze 28 August 2009
Jo 28 August 2009
Kelcey 28 August 2009
What an adorable way to celebrate, hope the update is just as good:)
Isabelle Annie Bernadette FILIPPI 28 August 2009
Just so cute and lovely.
grain12 28 August 2009
Yeah!!! The perfect wallpaper for my new os x snow leopard :-)
bee 28 August 2009
Soooo cute! May I get one as a pet, please?
Anna Maria Wallace 28 August 2009
I would love to live in Your Mind's Wonderland, Vlad! Thank you for giving us yet another wonderful little part of it!
Gianluca Mariani 28 August 2009
My new Iphone background.Wonderful
Michel Galle 28 August 2009
I love your snow leopard kitten :)
Ildiko Sabjan 28 August 2009
Minh Hieu TRINH 28 August 2009
Very cute ! (Can we have something like this one for Tux ?)
Marko 28 August 2009
Very cute, Vlad! Great wallpaper!
Mary Falcone 28 August 2009
Oh so Cute! Love it Thanks Vlad
28 August 2009
Nice icons, make it with a piece of paper (think essay) or food in its mouth as well and it would make a perfect "Recycle Bin" replacement. :)
Mary in America 28 August 2009
Too Cute! Always check your website as yours is the only wallpaper I will add. Keep it up. Gives me a smile.
ChristineA 28 August 2009
Eeeeeee!! That is just the cutest snow leapord every!!! He is definitely going on my desktop. :D Thanks Vlad!
Yoyo 28 August 2009
Beautiful, thanks ^_^
Joeby 29 August 2009
People asking for signature free versions are morons. This is how he makes a living, every artist signs their work. If you want a signature free version buy a membership. It's very reasonable and takes the watermark out. BTW - love the snow leopard... :)
Vlad Gerasimov 29 August 2009
Joeby: thanks but I don't really agree - I promised signature-free images to paid members, and this wallpaper has signature on all images simply because of website mistake. I'll correct it in next couple of days. Thanks!
Vincent Garnier 29 August 2009
Cute Tiny Snow Leopard Vlad :) Featured on GuiPulp ;)
Dmitriy Filippov 29 August 2009
Awesome wallpaper !!! Молодец и спасибо. 29 August 2009
Влад так держать, Барсик симпатяга :)
Carlos Sanchez 29 August 2009
I think is a real cutie!!! When I showed it at work on my Macbook Pro everyone ask if Apple put it there!!! I said I got it from!
RipCurl83 30 August 2009
Groucho 30 August 2009
I actually came to see if you had done something for Snow Leopard :-) I like this one lots... It's not that I dont like your logo, but why is it there per-force on this one?
Rrr 31 August 2009
Хищное млекопитающее. Кыс-Кыс-Кыс.
sourskittle 31 August 2009
CUTE CUTE CUTE! i wanna keep her as a pet! i've been going around my friends PC's and making this their wallpaper *evil laugh* thanks vlad, big fan of your work :)
Nakiloe 31 August 2009
Il est trop adorable!!! ^^
Pawel Konieczny 31 August 2009
pure beauty
Ankit 31 August 2009
Adorable!! Great creativity!
AMPRAT 31 August 2009
Andrew 31 August 2009
Very cute! I have the wallpaper clock on my second monitor, and it looks great! Always love your work - thanks!
sa 1 September 2009
hi i do not say that is very beaut...
Daerwen 1 September 2009
Awwww, so cute! Thank you, Vlad :)
Cec Medin 1 September 2009
Awesome! How come version has signature? Can you please, make it without a signature?. Thanks heaps.
Micha 1 September 2009
LooooooooooooooooOOOOoooooL.... very nice!
1 September 2009
its something like...masterpiece.
LucasDT 1 September 2009
Waw... so cute, so nice... so gay!
Mary in America 2 September 2009
Here kitty kitty kitty. :-))))))))))))))
SSejKo 3 September 2009
Супер!!!! Ребята для такой красоты и денег не жалко!!!!
DenSosed 3 September 2009
Спасибо за барсика снежного! А за png отдельная благодарность!
ladyj55 3 September 2009
This is by far one of the top 10
Donnavon Hallgren 4 September 2009
mary 4 September 2009
this site is actually incredibly amazing. keep up the fantastic work :)
Andy 6 September 2009
Oh my god, it is so creative of you. Thank you ;)
Elektryk 6 September 2009
Hi, can i use this icon as a logo of my future project (free internet application and free plugin for CMSs). Of course i will put You in credits as author of this image and also as author of icons "sphere" than i want to use in my project too. So...can I?
Vlad Gerasimov 6 September 2009
Elektryk: no you cannot use this icon in products that you distribute (even free ones), this icon is for your personal use only.
Elektryk 6 September 2009
it's too bad. :( even the "sphere" icons? what a pity...thanks for answer, greetings
Vlad Gerasimov 6 September 2009
Elektryk: why, "sphere" icon is free to use for any project (including commercial). I was talking about Snow Leopard icon, which is for personal use only.
Elektryk 6 September 2009
Ok, thanks for good news, a promisse that next time i will carefully read the info about license. And by the way, i love unique style of your works. You doing a great job!
يا مان ... الدزاين جميل جدا جدا.
7 September 2009
słodkie kici
Julio Maria Meca Hansen 9 September 2009
It's a great wallpaper, but it's quite strange as it's the first one showing your logo, the usual is not to have it for registered members... Could you make a version of it without the logo? Apart from that, great work :)
Rachel 10 September 2009
Vlad, I love the names of your pictures. I think it would be awesome if you have the names on them. Good job!
jb 10 September 2009
Ebi Atawodi 11 September 2009
Awww adorable!
ikiky 12 September 2009
skye 12 September 2009
This site is just amazing. And the snow leopard too.
Justin 15 September 2009
Sweet! Someday I'll have enough $$ to get a Mac
Young dai Kim 16 September 2009
Oh~~ pretty!!
RomKa 16 September 2009
На робочий стіл негайно!!!
Jane 17 September 2009
AGH! Love it! Very nice work!
Nand Kishor 17 September 2009
wow, awesome
chloe 19 September 2009
very cute!!!
Carole 22 September 2009
That is too cute. lol Thanks for the icon too.
Nina 25 September 2009
глаза - добрейшие)))
maggie 26 September 2009
oh beautiful,you really have the talent.Come on!加油!
Sharon Robak 26 September 2009
Vlad, you never cease to amaze me. Awesome.
Mariya K-W 29 September 2009
Oh, no!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS BEYOND CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am speechless!
Mariya K-W 29 September 2009
Sorry, me again! Vlad, how On Earth Do You Do This!?!?! Wishing you endless happiness!!!
Yong Jun Roh 8 October 2009
So CUte!!
15 October 2009
ну просто сказочно милое животное =)
Cassandra Olivia 24 October 2009
I love it. Everytime I use my new Macbook and see your snow leopard icon in place of my old hard disk icon, it makes me happy.
prithviraj 27 October 2009
Ola 13 November 2009
ali 29 November 2009
love it so much! prbly the cutest thing ive ever seen!
Leo 30 November 2009
hewow vlad, the lewowpard looks like an owl to my eyes
djrayon 21 January 2010
Nice snow leopard :). Cute and furry :)
IVA* 22 February 2010
ru 12 March 2010
soooo cute! thanks!!!
Danielle 24 April 2010
AAAAH I love it! <3 Had the background a couple of months ago as my background on my MacBook and now with the Icons it's complete!
Yuri aka fatezoom 25 April 2010
люблю эту обои
5 August 2010
the best one :)))
Graham 19 January 2011
The cuties snow leopard ever! Thank you so much!
anonomous 9 March 2011
soooooooo adorble
10 April 2011
very nice
dims 20 April 2011
Hi, couple of days ago I've noticed someone using this artwork in their watches design (see the photo: ) in one of the shopping malls in Sevastopol. Although it's most likely illegal, I feel somewhat proud for Vlad :))
Vlad Gerasimov 20 April 2011
dims: Wow! Yes it is illegal and yes I feel proud too :-)
Anonymous 21 April 2011
That previous comment isn't really Vlad! Vlad has a special avatar…
Vlad Gerasimov 21 April 2011
Anonymous: that was actually me, I just happened to sign out. Thanks for noticing!
puzz 16 May 2011
MrgoZver! respect!
flatfeet109 28 June 2011
vair vair like...
Mike 9 July 2011
I noticed some people talking about disliking your watermark logo Vlad, but I have to say, I really do like the watermark! I love when people ask where I got my wallpaper, and I can simply show them where i got it by pointing to your watermark. lol
laura=9 10 October 2011
Ese juanma komo mola semerece una olaaaaaaaaaaaa
Simi 26 February 2012
Také zlatééééé...
Di-di 4 July 2012
It is very pretty
Di-di 4 July 2012
It is very pretty
Met 21 November 2012
that is so cute and puffy :D and his name's Puffy:)))
Met 21 November 2012
that is so cute and puffy :D and his name's Puffy:)))
Michal 20 December 2012
This cat is adorable! :-)
reg 10 May 2014
Manuel Gomes Botelho Teixeira 19 May 2015
É um espetáculo!
mariel 16 August 2015
i love it
Music​ 1 July 2018
So cute
Eva 16 December 2020
好看~ 谢谢