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Vlad Gerasimov
1 August 2009
You might think it is an awful idea to put someone else's self portrait on your desktop :-) But maybe you will like this kind of portrait! My mother says he looks very similar to me :-)
Adam Moore
1 August 2009
Not too bad.
1 August 2009
first time i've commented on one of your amazing desktop wallpapers, but I gotta say I'm loving this one. Very cute and funny! Keep up the amazing work Vlad, your art definitely spruces up my desktop :)
Martin Stružský
1 August 2009
Not too bad? :-O Vice versa! I love it, I love it, I love it! :-D Great job, Vlad. ;-)
Gavin Scott
1 August 2009
I have had a problem with your last few images. I get the readed red x for the 2560x1600x2 image.
Your images are just great as always :)
Jaideep Nadkarni
1 August 2009
You look very cute, Vlad!
Christian Engel
1 August 2009
My girlfriend just said: "This looks like you!" :D
It seems to me we look very much alike ;D
1 August 2009
Very nice desktop Vlad. Nerdy and cool all at the same time!
1 August 2009
Draw a longer hair and it will look just like me ;)
1 August 2009
looks like me :)
1 August 2009
wow...I wudnt mind to put ur potrait as my wallpaper..afterall I can introduce to my friends and say..there u go..he is the creator...Cheers...! Thanks a lot again
1 August 2009
this portrait is pure you, Vlad. and we must believe to your mother
1 August 2009
For someone without thumbs you have great computer skills!! (Just joking). I like it - it's fun!!
Crazy Man
1 August 2009
good job!
1 August 2009
So cute!!
2 August 2009
It makes me smile!! Cute!
2 August 2009
wow i like it
2 August 2009
So cute!!
2 August 2009
HAHA This really looks like me, cause I have a mouse connected to my laptop at the moment, I have dark short hair similar to that and I have these blacked-rimmed joke glasses that look just like that, strange!
2 August 2009
Very cute.. :D
Nice work :)
2 August 2009
Very cute, I love it!
3 August 2009
I like it! I noticed it was under the category 'Creatures'. You consider yourself a creature?! How funny.
3 August 2009
Хах, похоже на меня! Прическа почти такая же, и я тоже в очках, правда не в круглых =)
Barbara Kurzawska
3 August 2009
So that's how you look like ;)
Very nice wallpaper (I love blue color). It looks so simple but it's really gorgeous :)
Thanks for sharing and keep up great work!
3 August 2009
amazing !!
Jose Daniel
3 August 2009
That's your third self portrait, as I can remember :) great work Vlad!
The other self portraits: (04/17/2004)
Luke Sky Walker
3 August 2009
Is this your real Mac with Vlad Logo? I like it. See u at the pegasus galaxy. ;)
3 August 2009
Could you make a wallpaper like that, of me? XD
No, just jokin'.
Love this wallpaper!Thanks!
iPod Lover
4 August 2009
I love it!
John Hanam
4 August 2009
Suzanne Thurman
4 August 2009
Vlad Cute, very cute!!!
5 August 2009
It's nice to have you on my desktop. Thanks.
6 August 2009
i hv seen this design at
9 August 2009
Hey, now we know what you look like! ))
Petter Senften
9 August 2009
Considering that your self-portrait looks virtually like I would've done myself, I see no problem with using this as a wallpaper on my desktop :)
Traci York
10 August 2009
I saw your announcement about giving away free 3-month registrations today, and wanted to pop in to say, "Happy Anniversary"!
10 August 2009
thank you for the registration gift!!! that was amazing. i have been a fan of yours for YEARS! keep up the wonderful work.
10 August 2009
i love this design...from sudan.
George Mariot
11 August 2009
Very cute!
By the way Congratulations for your coming wedding!
I wish you all the best.
I am sure that your married life will be as sweet as your artwork!
All the best my friend!
11 August 2009
you should have your legs checked ^^
11 August 2009
ping wang
15 August 2009
16 August 2009
ur website is awesome...but there is something missing here...;) whn u open the webpage on a browser it shows the Man with blue screen(which in on the bottom right of all urwallpapers) as a small icon(ontab page or new page)...hope u get wht I am saying!! can u change tht to ur potrait??it wud be much fun and cool too...
18 August 2009
Vlad, it feels like an eternity... 17 days from your last wallpaper. I have found myself searching for some on deviantart : O
the only comfort i have is that is always worth the wait with you ^.^
Vlad Gerasimov
18 August 2009
lanilani26: yeah, I made some sketches but can never find time to finish them! Hopefully very soon :-) Thanks!
18 August 2009
Mr. Vlad you are very handsome :) Great wallpaper. I really love it.
18 August 2009
sei troppo forte Vlad!
18 August 2009
It would be cool if you also made a female version
8 September 2009
very nice
it also looks like my brother
25 September 2009
thank you.
very very very cute-
jose luis
8 October 2009
Siempre estas alli para hecharme la mano y te lo agradezco ahora nec tu ayuda no traje mi marcador
Martin Gartner
2 November 2009
Hello Vlad,
may I ask you if it's possible to get this Wallpaper without the selfportrait and laptop? I'd like to have only the simple background for work on my Mac.
Martin Gartner
6 November 2009
I`m working all alone in these period because my company is going to close and it is very sad. But having these desktop is like having a smiling collegue!! :)))
12 December 2009
Bem legal , adorei é minha cara!kkkkkkkkkkk
13 December 2009
asheghe in axam-------->i really love it:XX:X:Xkisssss
8 January 2010
하하 감사
24 January 2010
Can't stop watching this wallpaper... :-)
Vilma Saldate
27 January 2010
I like it a lot!
Fabio Bovenzi
9 February 2010
Yesssss....i like your's a pleasure see your work on my desktop...
2 June 2010
It's really cute! :)
James King
5 October 2010
I love it! I can have it on my laptop wallpaper and on my iPhone too!
1 February 2011
¡Que chulo me encanta! aunque estaría bien que el ordenador fuera un mac.
27 January 2012
I love you dear Vlad...
I love all of your pretty wallpapers...I love all of your bright thoughts...
I thank you for working hours and days to produce these lovely wallpapers...
your sincere : Khatereh (Memory)
5 February 2012
love it.... amazing as always....
Yásser Natanael Rodríguez
1 June 2012
Chandra Sekhar
29 March 2013
Never seen such art .... Beauty... All of your Creation...Rather I would say invention..
5 July 2013
Good for a techie
23 September 2014
Autoportrait 2014?
Kal Mondal
29 December 2016
Looks just like me :D
28 July 2020
Would love to have a girl version :). yeah I know this is a self portrait lol