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Vlad Gerasimov
30 January 2011

30 January 2011
Very very nice! The color choice is awesome! Keep 'em coming Vlad!
30 January 2011
Love it, as always :)
30 January 2011
Very nice design.
César Eduardo Aguilera
30 January 2011
I love how you drag inspiration out of thin air. Amazing an beautiful as always :)
Evan Morse
30 January 2011
Oh very nice! Super peaceful... It's tough to feel much stress at all while working on a computer with this as the background.
30 January 2011
Stunningly beautiful:)
30 January 2011
What a beautiful gift. I always look so forward to your new works. Thank you very much.
Margarida Porto
30 January 2011
Ipressionante. Muito bom ter pessoas criativas no planeta. Seus trabalhos são maravilhosos.
30 January 2011
very nice and very good picture !
Jaideep Nadkarni
30 January 2011
Doug Cohen
30 January 2011
As the Father of the little girl who sent the picture I would like everyone to know that Vlad created more than a work of art here, he created another artist! After her seeing her drawing morph into Vlad's work and be shared around the Internet Elizabeth is so excited now that I'm sure she will pursue her art for life. Thanks Vlad, for showing a child how dreams come true.
Robin Bagley
30 January 2011
This reminds me of "The Princess and the Pea!" So cute for both the little girl and you.
30 January 2011
Fantastic work. Beautiful.
Maria R.
30 January 2011
It is so good to know that there is inspiration in all the simple beautiful things. Excellent work. Beautiful message. Thank you.
30 January 2011
Like Robin, I was also reminded of the story of 'The Princess and the Pea' when I looked at both images!
Wonderfully done, both of you :)
30 January 2011
This is beautiful!!!! Thank you Vlad
30 January 2011
simply fabulous! thanx ^_^
30 January 2011
This is so beautiful Vlad!
Justin Murray
30 January 2011
creative, but not thrilled about this one really. looking forward to more stuff..
30 January 2011
That is so inspiring.... this is a amazing picture, and it is so nice of you to help this little girl's dreams come true. I love this picture!!
30 January 2011
It is beautiful, it is great to have you back!
31 January 2011
oh this is lovely! precious! thank you so much!
31 January 2011
This is love at first sight!, very beautiful, gorgeous thank you so much.
31 January 2011
Magic, as usual. :]
Светлана Калинина
31 January 2011
She is so beautiful! Like a sleeping child :)
Vida Hernaus
31 January 2011
that's a sweet thing, Vlad :) i loved the comment from Doug, the girl's father... great job, Elizabeth! nicely done :)
Carl Willetts
31 January 2011
Absolutely stunning Vlad! The wait has been painful but that's a work of art worth waiting for.
Vlad Gerasimov
31 January 2011
Doug: you're most welcome! This has been most joyful thing to do.
Carl Willetts: yes, my life is getting more and more crazy every day. But I still hope to have more time for wallpapers soon.
Everybody: thanks a lot for your comments! I appreciate them very much.
Carlos santiago
2 February 2011
Que tal, tus ilustraciones estas de poca madre, felicidades...
cary cohen
10 February 2011
Elizabeth is my grandchild. She has also illustrated and written three books for children
Whta amazes me is that she is able to sit and create as a drawing each time when visits me. She can do these so fast it is incredible. Vlad's work has taken my breath away.
Vlad Gerasimov
10 February 2011
Cary - thanks for posting your comment! Elizabeth truly has the potential! I hope to work with her in the future as well :-)
5 March 2011
it's so sweeeeeet ...)))))
adry (from Argentina)
8 March 2011
So lovely!...
12 March 2011
i like it
27 June 2011
Very nice design
1 September 2011
Heeeey, it's not fair :( my computers' monitor size is 1366x768 and I have to pay for wallpaper, then who have usual 1024x768 monitor, haven't :(
25 September 2011
Love this picture, nice colours
26 October 2011
17 March 2012
Wonderful and inspiring, thank you for this don't mind some idiots who DISLIKE because they have a fart stuck inside keep going thank you so much
5 April 2012
I like this wallpaper very much, the colors are wonderful, so is the image.
27 October 2012
22 March 2013
Very reminds me iranian girls
17 January 2014
11 March 2015
that,s so,s not my entourage??????