A Romantic Flying Tree


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Vlad Gerasimov 31 January 2006
...and yet another version of previous wallpaper. Enjoy! :-)
Add a comment
Gaul long ago
I might name it "Patriotic Flying Tree"!! Cause the background looks like my countries national flag! :-)
justin long ago
vlad what did you use to create this? i LOVE it. if you want you could always do a tutorial :) that would be cool.
sawdust long ago
put it inside a crystel egg.y
ravi_k751@yahoo.com long ago
hai h r u iam fi
Michael long ago
Pure ingenuity,but striking show of style that flows the eyes with outstanding taste,simply stunning.
Armando long ago
this is amazing
KhYmikaze long ago
it looks...:-O :-D ;-)
KhYmikaze long ago
it looks...:-O :-D ;-)
Vin long ago
the color combination is marvellous. gr8 job
?????? long ago
S.J. long ago
Pretty Sick. :-)
;-( long ago
thats amazing! cant say anything else!!! (L)(L)
hfudfF long ago
darling, thats stunning but if its romantic then, leave this one as "sunset" and add more pink and red!!!! then it will be a valentine special!!!
ks long ago
romantic? sure? :-)
Vlad Gerasimov long ago
Ks: yes, very :-)
Moo long ago
Yes, yes, yes! :D
HOz long ago
Very nice, who is the author of this?
van 11 January 2008
qubra 15 December 2008
i lovee it very muchhh...!
Craig Huffstetler 23 March 2009
I love this series. Each graphic conveys the emotion (or adjective) they are to titled for (i.e. "A *Romantic..."). They are subtle, yet incredible. They also remind me of the movie _The Fountain_ which was emotion packed. If you've seen the movie (or even the cover) you know. If you do not understand the emotion part, you have to see the movie!
swifters 8 January 2010
You made this in 2006? It's like the floating lands on Planet Pandora...
naru 1 March 2010
this is incredible and stunning! thank you very much..its the same as the black & white version ..but with colors now
virens 20 April 2012
Vlad, where is the previous version of this wallpaper!? This one looks like crap compared to the original