Ensifera ensifera (Sword-billed Hummingbird)


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Vlad Gerasimov 18 January 2012
Sword-billed Hummingbird (Ensifera ensifera) is  a species of hummingbird from South America and the sole member of the genus Ensifera. It  is found in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.
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BS-Harou 18 January 2012
Cute! :)
Vlad Gerasimov 18 January 2012
BS-Harou: thanks :-)
Martin Stružský 18 January 2012
Great job, Vlad!
Franco 18 January 2012
ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...too cute!!!!!!!!!!!! Your work is always awesome!
Avril 18 January 2012
Audine Ward 18 January 2012
Sooooo cute
Ziani 19 January 2012
aww.....love him, thanks
Calin Marinescu 19 January 2012
Really nice!
sashka@gmail.com 19 January 2012
Such a tiny lonely fellow! And those falling leaves - don't they look like snowflakes!
Eva 19 January 2012
very nice =)
Tanya 19 January 2012
It is a small Kiwi!!!!!
DD 19 January 2012
It's so cute! The leaves and blurring effect created a perfect movement illusion, I love it.
me 19 January 2012
his eyes are soooo cute !!!^_^
ROBERTA HUEY 20 January 2012
You are the best! Thank you very much for all of your beautiful and fun works.
Vida Hernaus 20 January 2012
extremely cute! :)
stanislava kelemenova 20 January 2012
He is beautiful, as usualy - i love your work :)
Lewys 20 January 2012
This is amazing! Maybe you could release it in different colours too?
Im :) 20 January 2012
Love it love it love it love it love it soooooooooooooo much (bit of a bird fan - you might have guessed!). Your work it always brilliant but this one is really cute :) :) Now all we need are a few more colours!
Xavier Robin 21 January 2012
Nice, but why isn't it flying?
Gabrielle 23 January 2012
This new wallpaper is totally awesome. I love it! It would would probably make a great e-card too. ;-)
Krishna Bhamidipati 24 January 2012
Dearest Vlad, this wallpaper is so touching, sincere, and sweet. Thank you so much for creating and sharing this with everyone.. :)
Bill Moody 24 January 2012
Outstanding. I like the photo like blur.
Cirmò 6 February 2012
Nagyon édike
亚卿 7 February 2012
Oscar 10 February 2012
very cute :)
talevici boris 13 February 2012
sunt foarte dragute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
valleyyao 5 April 2012
Lovely bird. I've used it as my wallpaper already.
hoành 29 November 2012
hihi rất là đẹp thanks
Leonore 13 February 2013
I finally got myself a premium account. Great work Vlad!! Love this one..
marien 19 May 2013
cute baby kiwi!
cindy 27 August 2014
Details are awesome!
Nia 14 September
This is incredibly cute!!!!