Sky Lanterns

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Vlad Gerasimov 24 March 2013

I had this idea for quite some time, and today finally managed to draw it. I hope you will enjoy it  as much as  I do :-) Also, check out "Making of" video.

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Anon. 24 March 2013
Very inspiring, as usual. Thank you.
fengshaun 24 March 2013
That music in the video is awesome! And so is the result!
Kelcey 25 March 2013
Thankyou once again for sharing your whimsical world with us Vlad.
Patricia Chapin 25 March 2013
I purchased the premium package and now it won't let me download any screen savers without paying more . Can you help me I love your work! Patti
Vlad Gerasimov 25 March 2013
Patricia - I replied to your email. Thanks.
Caro 25 March 2013
Oh, it´s beautiful, guau!!!! I loved.
Jackie 25 March 2013
Emilia 25 March 2013
Nika 25 March 2013
Diana 25 March 2013
I never come across to say something is beautiful but still not enough.
Monica Almeida 25 March 2013
Wonderful !!! Reminds me the Disney's movie "Tangled"... I loved that scene they launch balloons through the night... Great scene and amazing Vlad !!! Thank you !
Satish :) 30 March 2013
Its beautiful... if possible can you please made a full colors version like in "Tangled" movie... lanterns in all colors.
Jorge Riusech 31 March 2013
I love it! Specially the video. Where do you find such inspiration?
Saleh Serafi 31 March 2013
JUAN ROBLES 1 April 2013
Is it me or do the wallpapers don't look HD?
Vlad Gerasimov 1 April 2013
JUAN ROBLES - I'd love to help you if you can provide more details. Sent you email.
xiaopang 1 April 2013
Julian 2 April 2013
Alberto De Armas 8 April 2013
WOW. One again you tech us that even if we can copy and paste we need to be creative and truly work a nice piece of art step by step to have a remarkable ending.
Linda Beugelsdijk 10 April 2013
Please make something summery to get me out of my winter depression! :)
Vlad Gerasimov 10 April 2013
Linda - I cannot, I am having winter depression myself!
Nea 15 April 2013
Ek 28 April 2013
Super !
anna 11 May 2013
I think it is called love at the first sight... first time and I love it..
taha 19 May 2013
Лина 20 May 2013
Не могу понять что лучше, глаза разбегаются. это действительно волшебно)) Спасибо тебе, за радость и улыбку
sarah 22 May 2013
your work is soooooo coooool :)
Hanna 18 June 2013
Tangled meets E.T. Love it!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!!!
George Refaat 16 July 2013
you are an amazing person and this site is like a treasure thanks a million
You are awsome 24 July 2013
I have been in love with your art for quite a while, is inspiring, and the making reflects all your passion for it. My best wishes to you- Clara from Guatemala
Катюша. Ольшевская 6 August 2013
Даа класно картинки прикольные
Karolina B. 6 September 2013
Just died :D 16x10 wonderful!
mary 14 September 2013
is the wallpaper live?
Danilo 6 March 2014
Please go back to older form to solve with the table under. It's better because make to think more in the pattern of the pieces.
anjal 5 June 2014
this is a nice.
Eiman Asif 13 September 2014
very nice concept it looks beautiful and thankyou for giving a wondreful picture it is magical love it
sweet eiman 14 September 2014
outstanding picture just love it
myself 14 November 2014
very nice graphics...
Gita 1 January 2015
Stumbled across your work via Pixelgirlpresents, so happy to find your site! Your visuals are stunning, whimsical and thought provoking-thanks so much for sharing all of this great work!
Octarine 7 January 2015
This is incredible - your sense of design is amazing. Thank you so much for making these wallpapers.
jinjereu 27 February 2015
This is beautiful.Just like in Tangled!
Sandy 25 July 2015
juhi upadhyay 19 December 2015
It's really very beautiful like always..... awesome !!!!!!
Ozgur Ozan Cakmak 23 February 2016
Vlad is awesome as usual! Thanks for sharing your creative insight with us :)
hombre 27 March 2016
new wallpaper
Ekaterina 19 October 2016
So amazing. I totally love your works!
hugo 23 March 2018
Muy originales, felicitaciones...
张博峰 11 February 2022
很酷 这个孔明灯