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Vlad Gerasimov
22 March 2020
My tribute to everyone self-isolated curing coronavirus. Do stay in touch!
Peter Petto
22 March 2020
Love this wallpaper. If you every feel inclined to put out a variant without the words, I'd love that too. (I think the picture tells the story without them.) And thanks again for so many great wallpapers!!
Sylvia fadl
23 March 2020
Just Awesome
Kris Johnson
23 March 2020
I can't change out all my wallpapers fast enough, love it.
23 March 2020
I've been wondering if you might delight us with a beautiful new wallpaper at this difficult time. You have surpassed all my expectations (and they are very high:) Thank you Vlad, the world needs more talented and generous artists like yourself. Take care.
23 March 2020
Steven Forster
23 March 2020
Beautiful wallpaper, Vlad. To Vlad, and all of my fellow Vlad fans, take care, stay safe and see you all on the other side of all this.
23 March 2020
Lovely !
Nisia Thornton
23 March 2020
Thank your for continuing to share your artistry with us, and for your special offer in this difficult time. NT in Kentucky USA.
24 March 2020
Grazie Vlad! Bellissimo!! Viva l'Italia!
Peter Petto
26 March 2020
Thanks so much! So delightful!!
minh thư
28 March 2020
xinh quá
28 March 2020
Very sweet....thank you.
29 March 2020
Nice..I came specifically to see your take on this difficult situation
Cornélia Castro
30 March 2020
What a beautiful image for helping an important message!
J.D. Haltigan
30 March 2020
Great one! Vlad: are you still sending email updates when you release new artwork? I have missed the last few for some reason.
Duane Miller
7 April 2020
Thank you for all of your wonderful art.
11 April 2020
Thanks for your kind words.
Matilde Lopes
15 April 2020
Uma nova experiência!
Anne Alexander
20 April 2020
Your art always make me smile.
13 June 2020
Wonderful piece. Apt for the times and as the world starts to reconnect differently and reevaluating itself. Wonder how your next piece be like.
Pablo Vargas
3 October 2020
Rosa E Sandoval Zuria
12 November 2020
Thank you, Vlad, I hope you and family are ok! Greetings from Mexico City. Love your art!
28 January 2021
Renato Aranda
22 July 2021
nice design
1 October 2021