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Vlad Gerasimov
28 May 2012
I love world maps, I love to simplify everything, and I love wallpapers. When all these things meet, you get simplified map wallpaper! The technique is called triangulation.
28 May 2012
... somehow fascinating ...
28 May 2012
Almost like a Voronoi diagram, lovely!
28 May 2012
How did you choose where to add points? Is it based on population?
Vlad Gerasimov
29 May 2012
Maxim - almost, this is the modified version of my earlier wallpaper, Typographic World Map (Night).
31 May 2012
nice Photo
Marco Sadun
19 June 2012
Vlad... may I know what kind of software you used? I am digging inside Photoshop, but I cannot find anything... ( but I remember that in the past I have done something like that!! )
Vlad Gerasimov
20 June 2012
Marco - I used Dmesh (for Mac).
Thanh Ha
28 September 2012
please someone show me how to download these wallpapers or I have to purchase for it. It's my first time here. Thanks
Vlad Gerasimov
28 September 2012
Thanh Ha - simply right click and Save Picture As...!
Thanh Ha
28 September 2012
oh, i want to use these beautiful photos for my desktop. I think I have to purchase it somehow, right. If i " save picture as " , it won't have good quality enough to be set desktop wallpaper. Thanks, btw i use macbook ( if it may involve something ).
Vlad Gerasimov
30 September 2012
Thanh Ha - ah, I see. Yes, some sizes are for premium users only. That's how I make my living :-)
Thanh Ha
29 October 2012
Hi Vlad. I want to let you know that I had firgured out the answer to my problem. It turns out that I just need to choose the right resolutions default of the picture which is 1280*800 btw. I'm soo happy. Oh have I told you this: I LOVE YOU and YOUR WORK!! thank you.