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Vlad Gerasimov
9 February 2011
This is the color variation of previous wallpaper. I was doing the Valentine's day promo graphics for my website when I got the idea for this wallpaper. It is based on Vladstudio logo and is very simple but has one, well, peculiarity :-)
9 February 2011
Blue! Thank you so much. :) This goes straight to my desktop.
David Branson
10 February 2011
Still hoping for one (well, technically, two) for the rest of us... ;)
Mikey G
12 February 2011
Adorable! It would be wonderful if you could also do guy+guy and girl+girl versions so that no-one misses out.
14 February 2011
Thank you Vlad !
15 February 2011
naughty :-D
Vida Hernaus
16 February 2011
neat! :)
The Phantom
25 February 2011
It'd be awesome if not for this, as you call it, “peculiarity.”
9 March 2011
Kaku se to kup
15 March 2011
Amazing !!!! Love u :)
Frank Stjerne
17 July 2011
@Jurgen: I pay respect to all cultures and relationships and I think you are putting Russians into one narrow minded box by your comment. I am sure that Vlad will decide by himself what to do. And yes if Vlad made a man+man it would go directly to my desktop.
Maureen L Wilson
6 July 2012
Love it! :)
17 February 2013
very go00od
28 May 2013
Просто прелесть :))
29 July 2013
I am chinese
Virginia Ramunda-Marty
24 February 2014
HA HA HA!!!! Love it!!!! :D