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Vlad Gerasimov 29 July 2009
Space is never-ending source of inspiration for me! I wanted to draw a map of constellations in Photoshop, so  I found suitable projection in Internet and used it  as a reference.
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Jeff Toomb 29 July 2009
Luke Sky Walker 29 July 2009
Outer space - endless expanses. Very nice. See u in the pegasus galaxy.
efand 29 July 2009
Eric 29 July 2009
Incredible, as always!
Tusnelda 29 July 2009
Great, Vlad! Actually very educational, as well! I'll try to make something of our vast sky here over the prairies, now, thank you!
Vlad Gerasimov 30 July 2009
Thanks! I forgot to mention: because the original projection is very wide, the most complete version of this wallpaper is for 2 monitors (versions for 1 and 3 monitors are cropped).
azar 30 July 2009
tabriz-----iran- tankyou---:
mhtrinh 30 July 2009
Anonym00se 30 July 2009
Awsome! Would it be possible to get a darker blue version of this?
Alexandra 30 July 2009
Wonderful and this one like all the others... A big fan... :)
Jaideep Nadkarni 31 July 2009
Oh my goodness! This is so magnificent!!!
Aidolar 31 July 2009
Фуф, боялся что нет М. и Б. медведиц, но все таки нашел. Хорошая обоина =) Влад, можете сделать обоину с обычным звездным небом? Ну на фоне может какое-то дерево будет, или скала... очень хочется на рабочий стол звездное небо... Спасибо.
Lewys 1 August 2009
I love your spacey wallpapers. And this is no exception. Nice work!
Ciuy 4 August 2009
Great wallpaper :)
pit 6 August 2009
very nice
volkan ata 10 August 2009
kelli goosey 14 August 2009
Signe 15 August 2009
it's beautiful. astronomi has always interested me. know, i just realised that capricornus looks like a butterfly.
Noemie 21 August 2009
WOW vous avez vue ses fond d'ECRAN this is magnifico.........Je les prends pour dessiner je vous le dit sa fait un mechant beau travail....
ody 23 August 2009
SK Mezanul 26 August 2009
Simply Awesome! :)
Marina 27 August 2009
Very informative, now i'll fill the gap in my constellation knowledge
17 September 2009
you're awesome, Vlad
18 September 2009
Amazing. but can we have some of the southern hemisphere constellations as well?
Russell 30 December 2009
This is very educational! I can never keep my constellations in my head.
RoVlaTi 18 January 2010
Хорошая работа, спасибо вам за то что радуете наши глаза.
Haunani 21 February 2010
I think this is probably my favorite because I, like you, love space and the night sky. :)
Haunani 21 February 2010
oh...a southern hemisphere would be cool as suggested by Anonymous :)
김홍 21 February 2010
너무 예뻐요! 다른 쪽도 보였으면 좋겠네요 ㅎㅎ
noura 25 April 2010
wow it's just like the sky on my screen! i love it!
abbi 8 May 2010
Wow, that's cool. I sent it to my science teacher, she'll freak out when she gets it. :)
Halil Ibrahim Tüfekçi 26 February 2011
What a Space:)
toraj85 9 June 2011
mojtaba 7 March 2012
goooooooooooooooooooood... 25 April 2012
luke 14 February 2022