Page 3 of 3:
Alice in Wonderland - Down The Rabbit-Hole
An Old Castle
Winter Moon
Catch the Wind
Where Smiles Are Born
The Two and The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Two and the Mouse
Ferri long ago
I am so much in awe of your talent. When I found your website I immediately registered. I was excited to find and download so many wonderful desktop pictures in one place. I couldn't wait to have such fine pictures decorate my computer as I worked on it, but oddly enough, instead of working I often find myself simply, quietly staring at my computer screen. Mesmerized by your work; I can sit for hours contemplating every line, shape or colour as I would a mandala in meditation. This work, Emotion 3 is sublimely perfect for such meditation.
The Two and the Bubbles
The Two and the Aliens
Soaking Wet
The Two on The Moon
The Two and The Sun
The Two
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