Air Lines

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Vlad Gerasimov 17 January 2008
I am lucky to live in times when airplanes have already been invented. I enjoy traveling, and it would not be possible (or at least as easy) without airplane industry. So, this wallpaper is  a dedication to those who all who makes flights possible: inventors, constructors, pilots, air traffic control officers, and stewardesses!
Add a comment
Michael TIghe 17 January 2008
Can you start making iPhone-sized wallpapers? (480X320)
Vlad Gerasimov 17 January 2008
Michael: please click DOWNLOAD FOR MOBILE PHONE button, and from list of sizes, select 320x480. Thanks!
Clark Fleischauer 17 January 2008
Great detail.Very nice as usual vlad.
TSiRKO 17 January 2008
just wow
Markus 17 January 2008
Great wallpaper, nice tones and great details. :)
Saianth 17 January 2008
Awesome ..Iam an aeronautical engineer myself .... i have been seeing urs for last 3-4 years .... i have to say this ones for me :) :)
Trotamundo Venezuela 17 January 2008
Muy bueno
Marko 17 January 2008
A masterpiece! :)
Pascal Bourque 17 January 2008
This is definitely my new favorite wallpaper from you, Vlad! It has just replaced the Music Eater, which had been on my desktop for a while now. Keep up the great work! :-)
Raquel 17 January 2008
I loved!!!!! but where is Brazil?? :(
Karin 18 January 2008
That´s it! Thanks so much from a flight operation control officer in Germany. I love your work. Karin
feng shaun 18 January 2008
maneli 18 January 2008
very nice!!! but why there is no flight to Tehran????:(
Michelle 18 January 2008
love this one Vlad, but again you've left Australia our :(
HeeeeHaaaaaa 18 January 2008
Awesome wallpaper.
LucasDT 18 January 2008
The blue color always works. Great work with the shadows of the planes and routes. I like the effect of the light beam at both sides of the Earth. Really nice one.
AMPIT 18 January 2008
I love travel as well and I love the beutiful `planes caming out of the earth following thier own routes. Wondewrful as allways. Thanks once more.
beata 18 January 2008
I loove this colour! Thank You :)
Christina 18 January 2008
i clicked on the free download one but it wont let me right click?
Christina 18 January 2008
Double post but its not the site it my computer sorry. Love your work by the way!
Mohammed Korashy 18 January 2008
Ho Ho Ho Weee Waaaaaa Yao Yao Weeeeeeeee !!!!
Ludmila 18 January 2008
Just like flies :)
Parzival 19 January 2008
Magnificent work! You are Genius :)!
Ed Stoudenmire 19 January 2008
As always, I find myself wondering: How does he do it? Not only the ideas, but the execution... just too fine for words.
Michael 19 January 2008
I'm a pilot too. A beautiful piece! More aviation scenes are a plus. Thanks for all your effort.
Jean 19 January 2008
WOW! Beautiful wallpaper! Thanks a lot, Vlad!!!
su 19 January 2008
정말 좋아요~!!
Steven 19 January 2008
Vlad - Awesome!! I love this one! I'm not sure which one i like more - this blue or the colored one. But either way, this one is exquisite!
Dj Asterix 21 January 2008
Great wallpaper Vlad, you got the scense of a crewmember life, thks.
Leti 21 January 2008
very nice! I would like to see South America too
ACE 21 January 2008
ReZe 23 January 2008
this is the top ten picture Vlad, AMAZING, thanks for expanding beauty around the world!
Emina 27 January 2008
mmm.. love it!
Дми́трий Калашников 27 January 2008
Yeah, your work is amazeingly, cool. Keep up the good work. 'Cus its the best in the entire world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Predrag Pecenica 27 January 2008
Fascinating [as always is] ... i really do not know to say else, since it is obvious that Vlad has a lot of love inside, which is seen on his pictures ..
Jaideep 28 January 2008
So sweet.....
Camellia 31 January 2008
your mind is perfect and i think blue and so calm you see every thing from diferrent vision
chazzZ 1 February 2008
Ross Mondschain 4 February 2008
you never cease to WOW me me with your amazing vision!!!
yalo 5 February 2008
草草 6 February 2008
ippon 11 February 2008
Roy Gunawan 12 February 2008
Love it. Using it as my desktop wallpaper right now. Thank you Vlad!
Franz Schraubhuber 21 February 2008
but the polar bears are dying...
Qwerty 22 February 2008
i like
peremenka 22 February 2008
Thank you very much ;) Nice job. Spasibo ))
ja :) 24 February 2008
aogiri 27 February 2008
Air Lines2 is good also.
aogiri 27 February 2008
Air Lines2 is good also.
rob janssen 13 March 2008
very nice
meera 22 March 2008
very nice picture
Сашка 4 April 2008
Привіт, Влад. Сюдячи по твоїй шпалерці, в Україну взагалі не літають літаки?
bunbun 25 May 2008
Kuba 8 August 2008
Vlad you are true master!
kennith ebloc 11 August 2009
Like it but could you do one for the other side of the earth.
Kayzar 30 September 2009
No Australia? Sad :(
Roman Toporkov 4 June 2010
Thank you so much!
cvz 9 November 2011
cvz 9 November 2011
cvz 9 November 2011
daniel 11 November 2012
How do i install it??
Beep 9 May 2013
Super Génial !
Tanner 25 May 2013
還好吧..我個人覺得... ^ _ ^ 好評
ran 16 September 2013
Thank you, I will try this...
Dominic 26 October 2014
I love it!
Dianne Mae 14 June 2018
I absolutely love it!