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Little Elephant, Big Ukulele
Gagarin (Planet 2)
Gagarin (Planet 1)
A Little Anglerfish
A Cheshire Kitten (Christmas)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Birth Of The Night Fury
Ferri long ago
I am so much in awe of your talent. When I found your website I immediately registered. I was excited to find and download so many wonderful desktop pictures in one place. I couldn't wait to have such fine pictures decorate my computer as I worked on it, but oddly enough, instead of working I often find myself simply, quietly staring at my computer screen. Mesmerized by your work; I can sit for hours contemplating every line, shape or colour as I would a mandala in meditation. This work, Emotion 3 is sublimely perfect for such meditation.
A Bug
A Cheshire Kitten (Halloween Night)
The Gathering Storm (Halloween Night)
Snow Leopard
The Flax Fairy
Horse Rider
A Cheshire Kitten (Disappearing)
Paul Boucher 6 January 2009
Vlad, From a fellow northerner in Calgary Canada, I hope the results of your incredible creativity lift your spirits. The results being not only the artwork, but the outpouring of affection. I wish you could see the delight on my own, but especially my children's faces when they see your artwork on my computer desktop. My son, a train fanatic asked to see your Christmas Train piece every day through the holidays on my iPhone and of the course "the real" picture on my desktop. Take care of yourself - take good long walks in that "fresh" Siberian air, and know our thoughts are with you when we look upon your work.
A Cheshire Kitten
The Family of Colors
The Family of Colors (2)
The Family of Colors (3)
The Traveling Tree
A small garden
Light bulb
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