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A Quiet Song
The White Crow
The Rider
Robots In Love
Alice, Her Dragon and The Christmas Tree
Mac OS  X Lion
Little Elephant, Big Ukulele
Gagarin (Planet 2)
My husband and I are admirers of your work and when we saw this wallpaper we couldn't believe it. We are an international couple as well and have lived in each other's home country. We're now moving again, this time to a country that is foreign to both of us. So our relationship is definitely reflected in this simple but brilliant wallpaper. We love it. THANK YOU!!
Gagarin (Planet 1)
A Little Anglerfish
A Girl Under A Thousand Blankets
How To Train Your Dragon: The Birth Of The Night Fury
A Special Gift for Valentine's Day
Snow Leopard
Mother Day
Michelle (from the Netherlands) 13 February 2010
Simple, yet full of meaning. You're very talented. I have been a fan of your work for quite some time. Your very original and inspired wallpapers manage to brighten my screen and my day every time I see them. I hope you will always be able to do what you love. Thank you for sharing and have a happy Valentine's Day! :)
A small garden
Kiwi Kiwi
Alien and Chameleon
Snail and Chameleon
Square Elephant
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