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My Emotions Chart
Bird Bird Bird Bird (Winter edition)
Jazz Band
Blue and Yellow 2
The Impenetrable Wall of Love
Swipe, swipe, swipe (Color 3)
Michael S Lewis 25 October 2009
Thank You ........for you art work and being kind enough share it with us.....!
Swipe, swipe, swipe (Color 2)
Swipe, swipe, swipe (Color 1)
A Sleeping Snake
Halloween Pet
Paper Cut
Sketchy, Unfocused
I Feel Good
My husband and I are admirers of your work and when we saw this wallpaper we couldn't believe it. We are an international couple as well and have lived in each other's home country. We're now moving again, this time to a country that is foreign to both of us. So our relationship is definitely reflected in this simple but brilliant wallpaper. We love it. THANK YOU!!
Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird
Fear of the Blank Canvas
The Bat and Her Pet
Procrastination (Color 2)
She vanquishes the terrible winged fiend, but her thoughts are fixed on Eternity
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