Ukrainian Embroidery: Ternopil
Ukrainian Embroidery: Mykolaiv
Ukrainian Embroidery: Kherson
Ukrainian Embroidery: Sumy
Ukrainian Embroidery: Kirovohrad
Turbulence 2
Turbulence 1
Ferri long ago
I am so much in awe of your talent. When I found your website I immediately registered. I was excited to find and download so many wonderful desktop pictures in one place. I couldn't wait to have such fine pictures decorate my computer as I worked on it, but oddly enough, instead of working I often find myself simply, quietly staring at my computer screen. Mesmerized by your work; I can sit for hours contemplating every line, shape or colour as I would a mandala in meditation. This work, Emotion 3 is sublimely perfect for such meditation.
Bird Bird Bird Bird Bird
Christmas Windows
The Cappuccino Tree
Three Moons Cast Shadows on Jupiter
The World (Simplified)
Symbols (Color 1)
krystalmyst 7 May 2012
I'm NOT an artist(unable to even draw a decent looking circle!) And I know NOTHING about"Photoshop!" I don't know HOW this phenomenal art was created. Drawn? Generated somehow,or both? DOESN'T MATTER! You have NO idea how badly I needed to smile & art is one of thosee magical gifts given to us all that just makes you feel,well...MAGICAL! I *SINCERELY* THANK YOU for sharing YOUR gift! There aren't any,or enough words to decribethe MAGICAL effect sharing your art truely does have,so again "THANK YOU!"
Symbols (Color 2)
Symbols (Color 3)
Symbols (Color 4)
Books (Color 3)