Page 3 of 5:
Little Elephant, Big Ukulele
Gagarin (Planet 2)
Gagarin (Planet 1)
A Little Anglerfish
A Cheshire Kitten (Christmas)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Birth Of The Night Fury
CarenS 17 July 2020
I absolutely love this. I have Vlad's artwork dating back over 10 ten years. This is one of my favorites. I have some that I'm hoping he'll bring back because my computer and mobile devices have updated since then and the pixels have changed. All in all, I am still using them because they are wonderful to look at...Thanks Vlad.
A Bug
A Cheshire Kitten (Halloween Night)
The Gathering Storm (Halloween Night)
Snow Leopard
The Flax Fairy
Horse Rider
A Cheshire Kitten (Disappearing)
looks cool, and what a good idea for all the people who grew up/live in small towns. Great job, Vlad.
A Cheshire Kitten
The Family of Colors
The Family of Colors (2)
The Family of Colors (3)
The Traveling Tree
A small garden
Light bulb
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