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The Bat and Her Pet
Tardigrade (Water Bear)
Sonya flies to Paris
The Witch
Alice, Her Dragon and The Christmas Tree
Alice and Her Dragon Skiing
Mac OS  X Lion
Bert 15 August 2017
Vlad, very happy you're back. I've been enjoying your backgrounds on a daily rotation for years, so it's nice to have a new one to add to my collection. Best always!
A Cheshire Kitten (Christmas)
The Fox And The Moon
Who Stole The Moon? Promo
How To Train Your Dragon: The Birth Of The Night Fury
Where Jelly Beans Are Born
Where Smiles Are Born (Version 2009)
The Gathering Storm (Halloween Night)
My husband and I are admirers of your work and when we saw this wallpaper we couldn't believe it. We are an international couple as well and have lived in each other's home country. We're now moving again, this time to a country that is foreign to both of us. So our relationship is definitely reflected in this simple but brilliant wallpaper. We love it. THANK YOU!!
When the Day Comes
When the Night Comes
A Cheshire Kitten (Disappearing)
The Knight and the Lady
The Traveling Tree
Mother Day
The Village Of Musicians
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