The Loneliest house in the world (Night)
The Loneliest house in the world
The Power of Imagination (Christmas Edition)
Old Tbilisi (Fragment)
Old Tbilisi
Old Kyiv
The Floating Village
Eva 24 February 2021
It's one of the rare cases when a promotional email brightens your day:) Thank you for the beauty you create, Vlad, the fan of your art forever :)
Stay At Home, Stay In Touch
Tiny Living
New York In The Dark
Siberian Wooden Houses, 7
Siberian Wooden Houses, 6
Siberian Wooden Houses, 5
Siberian Wooden Houses, 4
Siberian Wooden Houses, 3
Jaideep Nadkarni 30 March 2009
Vlad, you truly have an eye to catch such magical moments in the world. This is such a sublime beauty. Thanks for all of so many marvellous wallpapers.
Siberian Wooden Houses, 2
Siberian Wooden Houses, 1