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Headphones (Girl)
Headphones (Boy)
The Mushroom Band
Orchestra (Beige)
Orchestra (Green)
Jazz Band
Valeena 6 September 2021
I absolutely love this. When I was a little girl into my mid teens, my family and I used to go for long weekends about five hours or away from our home. We used to leave right after my Father would get home from work on Thursday or Friday. This picture reminds me of when we drove to Montreal from New Jersey. Part of our trip was through rural and forest areas until we would reach the highway in New York State (we lived on the border of NY and NJ) that would take us all of the way to the Canadian border. Thank you so much for this wonderful memory.
Magic of Music: Pipe
Magic of Music: Piano
Magic of Music: Guitar
Colin Huggins
A Quiet Song
Little Elephant, Big Ukulele
String Musical Instruments
Vit Svarc 10 November 2009
It is great how you are working with the colors, lighting, shadows, really great. Please, create full design for gnome desktop enviroment (For example in Ubuntu)! It can bet it would be the best theme for this system.
Rock stars
Orchestra (Gold)
Music Eater
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