
“...some truly amazing digital art wallpapers”

― cnet.com

Vladstudio is the project of digital artist Vlad Gerasimov.
Since 1998, I've created 500+ digital art pieces, available as:

My husband and I are admirers of your work and when we saw this wallpaper we couldn't believe it. We are an international couple as well and have lived in each other's home country. We're now moving again, this time to a country that is foreign to both of us. So our relationship is definitely reflected in this simple but brilliant wallpaper. We love it. THANK YOU!!
Brian 3 November 2012
Vlad- your work is so awesome...all I have to say is please continue your great work! You are one of a kind.
tanja 8 February 2021
Dear Vlad, you are amazing!!! Your picturessay everything I say and feel... Thank you ❤️
Jean 24 January 2023
It's beautiful!. I love plants so much.. I had to have it. Keep up the good creations. So much details I can look at this all day. Plants, wood, books, glass bottles and art are my things.

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Here are some of Vlad.studio's most popular pictures:
Bird Bird Bird Bird (Winter edition)
The Power of Imagination (Christmas Edition)
The Night Drive
Dear Moon, Merry Christmas
Sleeping Whales
The Starry Night (Tribute to Van Gogh)
Tiffolio 9 December 2018
I've enjoyed your wallpapers for a few years now, and its great to see the new ones that you've created. They're beautiful! Happy Holidays to you and yours!
A Cheshire Kitten
Air Lines 2
The Tree of Books
Google Library