
“...some truly amazing digital art wallpapers”

― cnet.com

Vladstudio is the project of digital artist Vlad Gerasimov.
Since 1998, I've created 500+ digital art pieces, available as:

guen 17 May 2020
I love your work. You offer us your poetry, your kindness and your colours. The world is a little bit more beautiful thanks to your works.
Dan Eveland 11 November 2011
Wow. I just love the detailing and lighting. You totally nailed this one.
Emma 3 July 2009
This is my fav (so far!)! Its so cool! I like how you can see the whole thing! This is awesome! :) I have this as my background on my phone accually....
Peter Dackers 16 June 2009
Wonderful, haha! This will be my new wallpaper for a long time ;)

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Here are some of Vlad.studio's most popular pictures:
Bird Bird Bird Bird (Winter edition)
The Power of Imagination (Christmas Edition)
The Night Drive
Dear Moon, Merry Christmas
Sleeping Whales
The Starry Night (Tribute to Van Gogh)
Cinzia Maestri 3 December 2017
Thanks........... Daily life is a little lit better for me when I can look at your cute and beautiful creations....
A Cheshire Kitten
Air Lines 2
The Tree of Books
Google Library